arnoud noordegraaf

composer | director


recorder solo for tenor and soprano recorder, samples, video

composed and directed by Arnoud Noordegraaf

written for Jorge Isaac

commissioned by NFPK+

premiered in 2009. Den Haag, NL

tour: ’09/’10 Acta Numerica tour, Jorge Isaac.


e.Tude is a composition in which a solo performance is made into a duet by using very simple out-of-the-box technology.
The original research led to two versions, one for violin and another for recorders. This version, eTude 1.1 was first performed by Jorge Isaac who will tour with it in 2009 and 2010 as a part of his Acta Numerica programme.

Before performance the musician records her/him-self playing a second voice on video; this material is fed into the custom-made computer program that will run on any mac laptop computer. When performing live, the musician will trigger this video part with a foot switch. Some clips will play as recorded, others will be re-ordered or cut-up by the computer in real time.

The piece plays with a certain level of unexpectancy. Neither composer nor performer know exactly what's coming. It raises the awwareness of both the performer and also the audience, since it seems as if even the non-live performer is searching for synchronicity. It's very much about finding ways to communicate, in a situation that seems quite uneven. Additionally the e.Tude concept presents the composer with a different perspective on his own work. Prescribing notes with the usual determination and then having to let go of them, slightly.

Jorge Isaac practising e.Tude 1.1 in the recording studio.

video teaser in the media section